International Medical Alliance is a 501 c 3 organization. EIN 31-1724114
International Medical Alliance
547 S. David Lane
Knoxville, TN 37922
When IMA responds to a disaster we bring unrivaled expertise from battlefield surgeons to specialist, we are ready to serve.
Can't spend a dime?
Then, spend some time... helping us help those in need.
Make a single or monthly donation directly from your bank account, credit card, or Paypal.
Our three year repsonse to Hurricane Katrina has led to the development of infastructure, including an in-date rotating cache of medication, needed supplies and a template to assess the level of response appropriate for each incident.
To help provide medical care to those in the greatest need, end hunger and provide clean water requires many hands and it requires money. We've got many successes under our belt, but we need more help, and that's where you come in.
While you can volunteer with us directly, even traveling to provide needy families with materials and education, there's much you can do on your own. Contact us to learn more about opportunities and ideas for donating, fundraising, hosting events, campaigning, buying gifts, and involving your school or company.
Post it, tweet it, share it. The more people you tell, the more help we can receive.
IMA volunteers worked with other partners to provided primary care and emergency room service for years after the gulf coast was devestated by Hurricane Katrina.
IMA volunteers offer medical services in a clinic that serve the homeless on the edge of appalachia.