International Medical Alliance is a 501 c 3 organization. EIN 31-1724114
International Medical Alliance
547 S. David Lane
Knoxville, TN 37922
Make a single or monthly donation directly from your bank account, credit card, or Paypal.
IMA has provided its third ambulance to remote communities. They provide free ambulance service to area where there are few cars.
These ambulances are donated and shipped to the region.
Our new surgical center gives IMA volunteers the to bring in highly trained specialist to provide excellent surgical outcomes for an underserved population.
In the Dominican republic we conduct annual mobile clinics in seven communities in the frontier region. Our focus for these clinics is the treatment of chronic disease supplying a year supply of all oral medications required for the control of hypertension and diabetes. During these clinics we also address infectious and tropical diseases and provide parasite medication for all the children.
In addition we have a robust cervical cancer screening program, annual ophthalmology clinics, cataract surgery and reading glasses.
Post it, tweet it, share it. The more people you tell, the more help we can receive.
IMA brings volunteers from a number of well-respected medical facilities across the United States.
Can't spend a dime?
Then, spend some time... helping us help those in need.